This afternoon my ladies at Signature on the Lake had a good time making the tied fabric wreaths. We really enjoyed designing our wreaths, and every one was just a little bit different. We found that this is a pretty time consuming project and even after about 1 1/2 hour working on our wreaths, we still had a while to go. So for my classes, this project will end up being a two-parter. Everyone in this class took supplies home with them so that they can complete the fabric tying over the next few weeks ( some have arthritis in their hands so the going can be a little slow) and we plan to do the finishing touches on our wreaths the next time we meet.
One of my students has pretty severe arthritis in her hands, so we plan to do a wrapped version of our fabric wreath; Wrapped wreaths are a great alternative for those who do not have the hand strength or stamina to tie lots of double knots.
Here are our works in progress- will post our completed projects in a couple of weeks:
It sure gets quiet when we are concentrating! |
This was my first try teaching the fabric wreath class. Prep time includes an hour or two measuring and pre-cutting fabric strips. But we found this to be an easy project for individuals with almost any ability level to complete with very little assistance- and the results are really darli ng!
Great Job Ladies! Looking forward to seeing the finished product before Valentines Day!
Stay Engaged- Be Creative!
This is a fun project. You'll have to help me come up with one for a nutrition class.