
About Us

In 2009 I started my new business- Elder Life Engagement- offering enrichment activities for Seniors who live in Memory Care residences, Assisted Living and Independent Living Communities.   Dirt Therapy classes- or Horticultural therapy was a completely new concept in the DFW area and I felt that working with plants and  digging in the dirt would make a significant and positive impact on the lives of elders.
Nancy and Jenny enjoying the raised bed gardens at The Village at Richardson

"Dirt Therapy" classes primarily focused on creating enabled gardens, container gardens and individual gardening projects that seniors could keep in their personal spaces.  After a few months I realized that gardening in Dallas with Seniors is best done in the Spring and Fall months  due to our seasonal temperature changes and expanded my focus to include Nature & Garden related Crafts in the Dirt Therapy program.

Working on a Milk Carton Bird House

Some of our first "green" nature projects included making bird houses and bird feeders out of paper milk and juice cartons, paper mache vases using plastic drinking bottles, recycled newspapers and recycled yarn and adornments, making "Grass Head Guys" using stockings and used plastic drinking bottles just to name a few.

In addition to Arts and Crafts classes, I eventually expanded my class offerings to include Watercolor for Memory Care,  Wine and Watercolor classes, Wine Appreciation classes, Baubles and Bead Making with Polymer Clay and Latin Rhythm classes.  Recently I have added Fresh floral design classes and my class does the table arrangements for all the dining tables for their facility twice a month.
Flower arranging at Horizon Bay in Plano

Latin Rhythm class at Silverado ( even the dogs join in)
If you are interested in knowing more about the classes and activities we offer- please send your info request to